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What people are saying

“There are way too few accounts that address, with this level of detail, quality and humanity, a personal account of a first responder to a disaster in a foreign country. Ms. Harms creates, with her reconstruction from detailed notes made at the time of her deployment as a medic there in 2005, an unforgettable experience for anyone curious enough to read ‘Resilience in the Rubble’.”

— Eric Franklin

As I read the concluding paragraphs of this story, I felt all of the emotions rising within me. Kathy has provided the reader an opportunity to experience, in a small way, what she and Nadeem did: the need to stay strong in the middle of the crisis, the holding of their breath until they were safely home again, the flood of emotions that comes in the personal aftermath of witnessing the extreme collective grief, trauma, and physical devastation of a nation. This is an eye-opening, life-changing, soul-touching story, and one that I hope will end up in the hands of those who will understand the gift she and Nadeem have offered by sharing it. It’s an extreme honour to be one of the first to share this journey through their words. I’m deeply touched.

— Tineke Ziemer